I am not sad that I will not be having a “normal” delivery. Who in their right mind would want to do THAT, anyway? The pushing, the panting, the staring at your own exposed “area” in the mirror until the baby emerges. Nah, a c-section is fine by me. I did it before and I can do it again. The surgery itself is the least of my concerns.
If you are related to me, then you may know that I went a little crazy after I had Doug. I thought I was prepared. I thought knew the drill.
And everything was great at first. Post-surgery pain was a cake-walk compared to nine months of morning sickness. I felt on top of the world after giving birth.
In fact, I felt so good that I decided to leave the hospital early. True, a doctor had just sawed open my body, yanked out a few internal organs (and 8.5 ib baby), scraped out my insides, and stapled me back together… but I wouldn’t let that keep me from being the best damn mother in the world.
We went home and I began my motherly duties. I had a hard time accepting help from my mother or husband. I was Super Mommy. I didn’t need naps. I didn’t need pain meds. I just needed to do what came naturally… mothering.
But mothering didn’t come naturally. Breastfeeding was not working. Doug was frustrated. I was crying.
I am failing.
And I didn’t love Doug the way that I was supposed to—the way I had been told I would. I thought he was cute. I liked him. But he was a stranger to me.
What is wrong with me? I am a horrible mother and a horrible person.
Then I caught some sort of flu. My old friend, Nausea, never left the building after all. Sneaky booger.
I am never going to feel better. I am ALWAYS going to feel sick.
I am so tired.
My body hurts.
I can’t do this!
So, I had a few panic attacks… in front of my husband, in front of my mother, in front of my mother-in-law. I felt so naked. So embarrassed. So sad.
I was another victim of post-partum hormones. It is real. It is awful.
Needless to say, I overcame all of these problems. With the help of medication, rest, loving families, and priesthood blessings I was restored to full sanity and health after a few feverish weeks.
And I learned that I did indeed love my son and that I was a decent mommy after all. Thank heavens.
I survived.
And I will use that experience to strengthen the next. I am going in to this delivery with realistic expectations. I am going to stay in the hospital as long as I want. I am going to start my Zoloft before the doctor can even say “It’s a girl.” I am going to let my mommy and my husband take care of me. I am going to love my baby in the way that I love her, and not the way I think I am suppose to love her. And I will be prepared for the inevitable bumps and bruises along the way.
1 week ago
Expectations going into things are so important, aren't they?
Thanks for sharing your experience. Post-partum depression is something I definitely want to be aware of and ready for, just in case.
Wow, Bethany. What a great post.
Very heart-felt. I will stand by your side through it all and hope that I can be of some help. I love you.
AMEN! I have to say that having a C-section and some VERY similar feelings, I am totally with you on this post! It is so hard! I to wanted to have a "NORMAL" delivery and now may never have one. But who cares! We are alive, well and have the cutest kids in the world! You are SUPER mommy! :) Hope you feel better this time around! My thoughts are with you ! :)
I am girding up my loins, just in case.
Whatever "it" turns out to be, I will be there to love you through it.
I can't wait to meet my little granddaughter. If she is anywhere close to as wonderful as her brother, we're all in for a lot of joy.
You are amazing! I am so excited that you are almost a mommy of 2! It is a work in progress, but I have found with myself that I have to have flexible expectations in life, especially when it comes to being a wife and mother. If I worry about how I really want everything to go in those categories, then I just stress myself out and I make myself and everybody around me miserable! I still struggle with trying to meet my expectations and others, but they usually are not realistic and are not as important as I originally thought that they were. We are lucky to have people in our lives that love and support us! Rick is so thoughtful and appreciative of me!!! I love you Bethany! You are amazing!
Whatever comes this time you will handle it. You did last time just fine and you will handle what comes this time too.
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