We woke up at 4:00 am and went to the hospital. Doug is saying bye bye to the mama bear.
15 minutes later a baby was born...
And she was perfect!
Baths are heaven!
She'll do.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Day 1
Posted by
12:20 PM
Day Two
"What am I supposed to do with THIS?"
Daddy's little lady.
"I am approximately the size of a cell phone."
"Ew... Oh... Fingers... yum!"
Posted by
12:11 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Our Princess
Kiana is so beautiful! 6 pounds 7 ounces. So little!
She didn’t want to emerge from her cozy mommy incubator. The doctor had to use a vacuum to pull her out. I’d never heard of the vacuum being used for a c-section before. I felt kind of proud of my stubborn little girl for her unique entrance into this world.
She doesn’t look a thing like Ryan or me. She has golden hair…er… fuzz on her head and has really fair skin (I’ll post more pictures when I get home from the hospital). Upon closer inspection, I realized who she DOES resemble a little, though: Keiffer Sutherland... in a cuter softer way.
This would make sense. Ryan and I had rented season four of 24 approximately the time Kiana was conceived. Whenever I watch 24, I tend to have incredibly vivid dreams about terrorists and violence. Jack Bower must have worked his way into the nighttime mix without me even noticing. You know Jack… he is sneaky like that (don’t tell Ryan).
On a tender note…
I love my baby so much! My maternal instinct kicked in a little sooner this time… which I hear is common with second babies. I feel bonded to her in a special mommy/daughter way. I hold her against my skin with her head resting under my chin and just breathe her in. She smells like heaven.
I love watching Ryan with her, too! He is so madly in love with her. He even went to the store last night just to buy ribbons and bows for her hair (I didn’t even ask him to).
I can tell Kiana knows and loves me, too. She looks at me with adoring eyes and whimpers when we have to part. What a special connection.
Posted by
7:41 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
My Misspent Youth
I was a good girl. An insanely good girl.
I never tasted beer. I never wore a bikini. I even liked my parents. Where did I go wrong?
My wild weekend nights were spent at the stake dances rocking out to “YMCA” and dancing with boys with sweaty hands, pepperoni faces, and whose breath smelled like peanut butter.
My friends and I stole a shopping cart once—the frosting on the cake of a most excellent toilet papering job (we returned the shopping carts a few days later).
I think I got a “C” on my report card junior year…maybe.
I kissed a lot of boys, many of which knew the true meaning of a “misspent youth.”
And then there were the “freeze-outs.” I would write in more detail about the freeze-outs, but I don’t want to give my lurking father a headache.
But that was about the extent of my bad behavior as a teenager. I was a good girl. An INSANELY good girl.
But maybe I should have taken advantage of my youth and screwed up a little… seized the day a little. I should have gotten that nose ring I always wanted. I only had that bikini-worthy body once. And maybe I should have stayed out till 12:30, a whole half an hour passed my curfew, just to show my parents who was boss.
I have no excuse for bad behavior anymore. I am endowed. The judgement lobe in my brain is completely developed. I am a mother. I am a republican.
And quite frankly, I had an amazing time as a teenager... even as a straight arrow. I don’t regret most things about my youth, especially not those stake dances. Where do you think all of the boys I kissed came from?
Posted by
1:52 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Bethanyism (Beh.thah.nee.ism): N. A reflex Bethany cannot control. An action Bethany takes that may cause others to smack their own heads. The act may be considered adorable or repulsive depending on the angle in which the action is viewed or of whom it is viewed by.
EXHIBIT A: Bethany has just finished a saucy plate of lasagna. She utilized her knife and fork in proper order and liberally employed her napkin.
Still, Bethany has managed to leave the table looking as though she has just had a marinara sponge bath. Tomato sauce is in her hair, her eyebrows, and in wedged in the most intimate crevices of her belly button. How the belly button happened is anyone’s guess—after all, Bethany is wearing a turtlenecked unitard.
EXHIBIT B: Bethany has emerged from the shower. She has wrapped herself in a towel, walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and to the bedroom to put on a fresh pair of jammies.
Little did Bethany know, however, that while shaving in the shower she also managed to sever a particularly juicy artery above her ankle. Blood is now splattered across the carpet, walls, and all over the toaster oven. Bethany has yet to notice the mess or figure out why she is feeling so very dizzy.
Anyone who knows me well is now nodding their head violently. They have witnessed a billion Bethanyisms first hand.
Pregnancy seems to be a good excuse for my inevitable “isms.”
Yes, I did drool three tablespoons of saliva all over the pulpit while giving the opening prayer in sacrament meeting, but pregnant people have overactive salivary glands. I thought everyone knew that.
Sure, I left my curling iron on and only remembered the infraction while on the airplane to Utah. But pregnant people forget stuff. Duh.
Inside I know the truth, though. Regardless of my motherly state, I would (and have) drooled at the pulpit. Pregnant or not, I spill stuff and do ditzy things. And I get large pieces of meat, roughage, and farmyard machinery stuck in my teeth on a regular basis.
But in my own defense I would like to say that pregnancy does magnify these Bethanyisms.
When spilling things nowadays, I have a far larger surface area to desecrate. Also, the placenta produces a sort of magnetic chemical that attracts substances, particularly drool or concoctions that stain, right to the stomach area. Betcha didn’t know that.
This morning, post-shower, I was blow-drying my hair. Suddenly, I felt something tapping at my leg. I looked down, only to see that my two year old dabbing away at a bleeding knick on my leg with a little piece of toilet paper. I thought it was so funny, and sad, that he took it upon himself to nurse my wound and spare our carpet from another “Bethanyism.”
Posted by
4:31 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Night on Main Street
If I had a choice to live in any city in Texas, Grapevine would be the place.
Oh wait... I already live here. Lucky me!
It is tiny, and cute, modern, and antique, clean, and quirky. The people are kind here. I feel safe here (unless I am on the road. Holy "dog-eat-dog!"). I just really like it here.
Last night my boys and I went to see the "beautiful lights" on Main Street.
This picture was posted solely so you can "ew" and "awe" over how cute and pregnant I am.
Here I am with the people (and fetuses) that I love the most!
Doug, calculating if he could "take" this elf down.
The mama bear and her cub.
Posted by
12:27 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
House Envy
But that would be tacky.
Shoot, maybe I say it once and a while.
After our abrupt promotion to Dallas, we decided to rent this year. I thought it would be a relief to not have to worry about weeding, fire ants, and broken dishwashers.
I miss fire ants.
I watch HGTV. I am usually eating ice cream out of the carton at the same time.
I visit the Lowes website sometimes… just to see how much it costs to add crown molding to a room that doesn’t exist.
I check out Justlisted.com weekly.
I miss my house.
We use to have a house. Want to see pictures?
Posted by
11:16 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I might be biased, but...
Veggie Tales: the best babysitter (tranquilizer) in the world!
My Christmas Angels
While visions of sugar plumbs danced in his head... Doug fell out of his "big boy bed"... and failed to wake up.
"I know I already asked for a lot of stuff... but I NEED just one more thing..."
Posted by
12:34 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Why I am Not Going to Go Crazy this Time
I am not sad that I will not be having a “normal” delivery. Who in their right mind would want to do THAT, anyway? The pushing, the panting, the staring at your own exposed “area” in the mirror until the baby emerges. Nah, a c-section is fine by me. I did it before and I can do it again. The surgery itself is the least of my concerns.
If you are related to me, then you may know that I went a little crazy after I had Doug. I thought I was prepared. I thought knew the drill.
And everything was great at first. Post-surgery pain was a cake-walk compared to nine months of morning sickness. I felt on top of the world after giving birth.
In fact, I felt so good that I decided to leave the hospital early. True, a doctor had just sawed open my body, yanked out a few internal organs (and 8.5 ib baby), scraped out my insides, and stapled me back together… but I wouldn’t let that keep me from being the best damn mother in the world.
We went home and I began my motherly duties. I had a hard time accepting help from my mother or husband. I was Super Mommy. I didn’t need naps. I didn’t need pain meds. I just needed to do what came naturally… mothering.
But mothering didn’t come naturally. Breastfeeding was not working. Doug was frustrated. I was crying.
I am failing.
And I didn’t love Doug the way that I was supposed to—the way I had been told I would. I thought he was cute. I liked him. But he was a stranger to me.
What is wrong with me? I am a horrible mother and a horrible person.
Then I caught some sort of flu. My old friend, Nausea, never left the building after all. Sneaky booger.
I am never going to feel better. I am ALWAYS going to feel sick.
I am so tired.
My body hurts.
I can’t do this!
So, I had a few panic attacks… in front of my husband, in front of my mother, in front of my mother-in-law. I felt so naked. So embarrassed. So sad.
I was another victim of post-partum hormones. It is real. It is awful.
Needless to say, I overcame all of these problems. With the help of medication, rest, loving families, and priesthood blessings I was restored to full sanity and health after a few feverish weeks.
And I learned that I did indeed love my son and that I was a decent mommy after all. Thank heavens.
I survived.
And I will use that experience to strengthen the next. I am going in to this delivery with realistic expectations. I am going to stay in the hospital as long as I want. I am going to start my Zoloft before the doctor can even say “It’s a girl.” I am going to let my mommy and my husband take care of me. I am going to love my baby in the way that I love her, and not the way I think I am suppose to love her. And I will be prepared for the inevitable bumps and bruises along the way.
Posted by
6:30 PM
The Title is the Hardest Part
My mom told me that I have been blogging more than usual lately. Her statement was merely that, not implying that my serial blogging was anything to be ashamed of. Nonetheless, I felt sheepish.
Am I flattering myself by posting my thoughts on the internet—like somehow my life is interesting enough for others to enjoy?
No, I daresay that my life is fairly lackluster. Actually, one of the most exciting thing that happens to me each day is when I log onto my blogsite and someone has actually posted a comment.
Someone has read my thoughts. What I have written struck a cord. Wa-hoo!
But I shouldn’t admit that. I should act too cool to care… like I was just posting for the sake of posting. Like it wouldn’t matter if anyone read it.
What I am trying to say is that, while I do use blogging as a journal, I really appreciate those that read my blog—even if you do it because we are related and you feel obligated. Still, it makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel out of the ordinary. So thanks!
Posted by
10:51 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Traditions
The Robinson/Hall family always eats Oyster Stew on Christmas Eve. I love traditions and I love my family, but…
Oyster Stew!
Am I a bad person if I have no intention of following through on that tradition? My mother might answer “yes” citing that some things are sacred. But really, I am not fond of oysters (especially in stew form) and my husband is allergic.
So, I need a replacement Christmas Eve dinner; one my children will look forward to, one that I will not have to plug my nose to ingest, one that will not send my husband to the ER.
What about Christmas Eve fajitas? Christmas Eve omelets? Christmas Eve Hamburger Helper? Or, to part way honor the family tradition, some sort of stew not containing a squishy gritty fish.
I will follow through with most other family traditions. I am most attached to Salmon Mousse (a delicious cream cheese and salmon dip), putting straw in the manger after a good deed, a Christmas visit to the AMC, card games, and reenacting the nativity.
Ryan and I have also a few new traditions to add to our little family’s repertoire. For example, Santa will visit our home, but only to stuff stockings.
You see, we don’t want Christmas to be the celebration of Santa Clause. No, our children should understand that Christmas is all about… MOM and DAD. Santa should not take credit for the cool bicycles, video games, and Barbie Dream Houses. MOM and DAD did it. Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad… but mostly Mom.
Posted by
12:53 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Baby Weight
First of all, I would like to say that I know I am not fat. I am pregnant. There is a difference. To call myself fat would be insulting to myself and to others who might indeed be a little fat. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
But I think I am fat.
Not really, but kinda. Ever since college, I have been concerned with my weight. Maybe it was because I had roommates with eating/exercise disorders. They would yack all day about squats and carb-free tortillas. They would pull at the skin at their waist and say “Oh my gosh! I need to loose weight! I am so fat!”
What fat? They were shriveled and shrunken. They would NOT be a good source of energy if their airplane crashed in the mountains in the middle of winter and the only food option was cannibalism (though they would be a good low-carb option).
These girls were ridiculous, I know, but slowly, their self-deprecating words took a toll on my psyche. If they were fat, then what was I? I had a normal body, but had never, till then, thought that my body wasn’t acceptable.
No, I did not go to any extremes to loose weight. I am not interesting enough to develop an eating disorder. But I have become extremely conscious of my body.
When I got pregnant for the second time, my main concern was that I’d never be able to get my body back to a fighting weight. Truth is, I still fret about that. The weight loss journey seems like an uphill battle this time. With more baby weight to lose and two children needing my undivided attention, how on earth will I have time to exercise? How do most mommies do it?
I guess it’s not really about the weight. It’s more about the way I feel about myself. I want to feel sexy and pretty again (and I will never again stoop to a dramatic haircut to attain that feeling). I want to look like I belong next to my toned and ridiculously handsome husband. I want to be a “hot mama.” Logically, I know that sexy, pretty and thin are not synonymous. Obviously, logic isn’t always my driving force, though.
Posted by
12:24 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Doug has made the realization. He now knows that he and Mommy are not just one being, united in mind, soul and purpose. No, he is capable of his own desires, actions, and conspiracies. Woe.
No longer the round-faced angel baby I once knew, Doug is now one of those children. You know, the one’s who scream “NOOOOOOO!” at the top of their lungs for 45 minutes at the grocery store... The one’s who know exactly the right pitch and decibel level to vocally kill all birds flying within a two mile radius... The one’s who run full speed into busy traffic because it is funny to see an extremely pregnant mommy sprinting after them like a spooked hippopotamus.
And Doug can cause some serious damage. After several of our important household items disappeared, Ryan and I began a search and rescue operation. After hours of no success, Ryan had a last minute inspiration. He picked up our stereo speaker and gave it a little shake.
“Clinkedy, cloppedy, thud.”
There was definitely stuff in there. Unfortunately, the entrance to the speaker was only dilated to a three. If you’re not up on pregnancy/labor lingo then I will be more specific. Nothing would be coming out of that speaker any time soon unless surgical measures were taken (I would know). Being that the speakers were relatively new and expensive, we decided to cut our losses.
Two days later, I had a brilliant idea. Doug and I played a game called “Find what is Hidden in the Dark Scary Cave.” Doug’s hands were just tiny enough to make it through the small speaker hole. We cheered exuberantly as he retrieved the following items: Ryan’s keys, a small flashlight, a long wooden snake, a finger puppet, several fruit snack wrappers, a very malleable stuffed animal, some screws and nails, a small ball, a tatertott, and the kitchen sink... Okay, the tatertott was a fabrication, but everything else was really in there.
My child is turning two. Just in time for the second baby to arrive. Great.
Today, after another disheartening tantrum, I closed myself in my room and took a few deep healing breaths. Then, I retrieved the squealing Doug and put him bath tub. Sure enough, the warm water caused him to forget his squawking. I laughed as he lifted his leg to the tub’s rim and began “shaving” his legs. Perhaps it is time that I begin taking my showers with the bathroom door locked.
I lifted my squeaky clean toddler out of the tub and wrapped him in a towel. The towel was immediately cast side and naked Doug dashed into the living room where he ran around and around in circles whooping and hollering. No doubt a few nude somersaults would have been added to the performance if I hadn’t grabbed him. A toddler without a diaper is a dangerous thing.
I diapered him and put him in his jammies. Granted, it was only 11:00 a.m., but the jammies were for my benefit. Honestly, who could be mad at a child in form-fitting soft jammies. I hugged my little Naughty and kissed his soft cheeks.
Every night, Ryan and I sneak into sleeping Doug’s room to make sure he is warm enough and to kiss his little forehead goodnight before we go to sleep. Doug looks so gentle and innocent...even after a full day of screaming, breaking things, and refusing to eat anything except fruit snacks.
Lately, after saying goodnight to my sleeping boy, I have gone to my own bed frustrated. Not with Doug, but with myself. I then pray that I can be a more patient mommy and more understanding of his developmental stage. He is still my little angel, perfect and pure. I love him so much that it hurts. I want to do better.
Posted by
1:03 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Ready to Hatch
“Looks like someone is nesting!”
Ryan’s proclaimation upon entering out home a few days back was nothing short of… true. I am in nesting mode.
Cleaning the toilet with a toothbrush, a toothpick and undiluted bleach now takes precedence over other important instincts, such as breathing, eating, and Grey’s Anatomy.
I organized the walk-in closet the other day. True, rearranging large boxes containing clothing, books and lead is no job for a woman in her ninth month, but Ryan was not home. It HAD to be done that very instant. Besides, no one else could possibly rearrange the closet in precisely the right way. I am the only one. I AM PREGNANT AND IT MUST BE DONE MY WAY… for the baby’s sake, of course.
The main focus of my recent hours has been getting the nursery ready. Since Doug and Kiana will be sharing a room, I’ve had to find common ground with colors. I chose Autumn colors (because Autumn is the best season in the world ever) and denim. My mother-in-law and I have been working on the bedding and I started painting wall hangings for above their beds. I am going to buy some Norman Rockwell prints to top everything off (I will post pictures when everything is ready).
Basically, I am just excited not to be pregnant anymore. And a pleasant byproduct of “not being pregnant anymore” will be a new baby.
Posted by
1:01 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Romney Speech
I liked what my husband had to say about the Mitt Romney speech...
"Speaking post Romney speech, I thought that he gave a very moving speech. It was a magnificent reminder of the role religious faith must play in government and public policy. If nothing else, I hope people not of the Mormon faith saw that Mitt is a man who will be true to his beliefs in spite of any power or position that could be gained by denying them. That he will act on faith because this country was founded and built on the principals of faith. And most importantly he will fight to keep God in the forefront of our countries political landscape."
-Ryan Douglas Lee (smart man with cute bum).
I personally don't think the speech will boost Romney in the poles--people who don't like Mormons are not likely going to change their minds--but I thought the speech was well-said and important.
Mitt Romney represented our faith well.
I am glad that Romney did not address specific doctrine. I don't think it would have been appropriate for him to do so. But I hope his speech prompts people to do some research ono their own. I would love people to know the true doctrine of the church and not the falsehoods they see on HBO.
Posted by
3:42 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Glass Booth
This is the first year of my life that I am actually interested in politics. I listen to NPR. I watch CNN. I pay attention during presidential debates. I have an opinion and can hold my own in a political discussion.
Does this mean that I am a grownup?
Does this mean that I am smart?
Much to my astonishment, I also found out that I am a republican. I’d always assumed that I was a democrat because I am a Robinson. Robinsons are democrats. I liked telling people that I was a democrat because it shocked them. At BYU, it sometimes angered them. I found this fun.
However, upon telling others that I was a democrat I just prayed that they wouldn’t ask me why. I didn’t really know what it meant to be one and I didn’t have the attention span to find out.
Perhaps encouraged by my husband, or disgusted by the over-liberal ladies on The View, I took it upon myself to discover what I really believe.
I now understand the merit of democratic views and think that it is a pretty perfect system in an ideal world. However, this world is far from ideal. Thus, I sway to the right.
I won’t go into my political beliefs, but I will say that this is an extremely interesting and important election coming up. I have put a lot of thought into my priorities and who would best represent my family as President of the United States.
A tool I found interesting was glassbooth.com. You take a short quiz and then the website tells you what candidates most closely aligns with your beliefs. I was surprised by my political match. I will probably not vote for him.
Here’s why: I find him incredibly unattractive. I could put this aside if he had a redeeming personality, but he doesn’t. I don’t like how he conveys his ideas. He is gruff. I wouldn’t like our country’s president to have poor people skills. We need a diplomat.
Luckily, my second-best match is a well-spoken okay-looking human being. He might be my choice.
On a side note, tomorrow Mitt Romney is going to give a speech about Mormonism. Do you think this is a good idea? I will be interested to see how this will affect his campaign and the way my religion is viewed in this country.
Posted by
12:06 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
I am a bum person. I like bums. If you've ever been friends with me, related to me, or once dated me, then you have likely been on the receiving end of a bum pinch, a good-natured spanking, or an atomic wedgie (or a “Melvin” as they are called in Utah). Lucky for me, I am married to one of the cutest bums of all time (hi Babe).
I just like bums.
While at the U of U vs. BYU game, an extremely annoying Cougar fan, upset by an unfavorable call, stood up and screamed heinous words at the referee. His malignant word usage and offensive sportsmanship was enough to make me decide that he and I could in no way ever be kindred spirits.
To make matters worse, the enraged fan leaned over the railing to scream his obscenities. This was a BIG problem because I was next to the railing. The fan's ginormous fat stinky bum was aimed directly in my face. I wouldn’t usually remark on the size of aroma of someone’s hindquarters except for the fact that this man was obnoxious and hateful and did I mention that his bum was in my face?
On a more pleasant note, Huggies sent me a sample newborn diaper. Oh my heck! It was so little! It was so cute! I totally forgot that newborn bums are so little and cute! It made me extra excited for Kiana’s arrival.
It also made me realize that Doug’s two-year-old bum is HUGE! How did I not see this before? I compared Kiana’a diaper to Doug’s diaper and decided that potty training MUST happen immediately!
And if Doug’s bum is huge, then my bum must be colossal. And if my bum is colossal, then the “super fan’s” bum must have its own zip code, weather system and at least three McDonald's restaurants.. The thought made me dizzy. So, I stowed the newborn diaper away along side the pink baby clothes and baby blankets. No more bum contemplating for now.
Posted by
10:25 AM