Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ponytail... ish

Call it a nubbin. Call it a stub. Call it whatever you like. I call it hope.

Normally I can shrug off a bad haircut. Not this past haircut. I called it the “Hillary Clinton She-mullet.” I hated it. I grieved the loss of my long hair. I went through all the steps: denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. I bought out Target’s headband section, I’ve used every hair-product known to man, I’ve pinned, I’ve pulled… all to no avail.

But, I’ve finally accepted the haircut. No more hate-letters to my ex-hairdresser, no more tears, no more whining. It is what it is.

And maybe more. Yesterday was the first time I pulled it back. I felt pretty for the first time in months. I was overjoyed. So was Ryan. He liked to flick the nubbin. He is like that.


Heather and Trevor said...

Yay! When Holly was growing hers out, she would try and pull it back for ballet and it became what we call "The Cruton" Ha! I love it! You are so beautiful!! :)

Kristy said...

So cute!

Unknown said...

So can I flick it???