I was recently reading the Feminist Mormon Housewives website (thank you Kristy) and read an interesting blog about our Mother in Heaven. The woman who wrote it posted anonymously because she felt certain the subject was taboo and would certainly lead to social condemnation. Of course this blog got me thinking about my Heavenly Mother and why is it that I know so little about her. I have heard that one reason She is not frequently talked about is because of Her sacred nature. While I agree that She is infinitely sacred, I do not believe She is MORE sacred than the Father. Rather, I feel that the reason we don’t learn about Her is really that so little is actually known about Her.
Whatever reason we don’t learn about our Mother in Heaven in Gospel Doctrine, I feel inspired that it is possible and beneficial for us to have a relationship with Her. In fact, I have never had a stronger desire than now as am doing something that only another woman can do, carry a child. I know that my Father in Heaven understands perfectly what I am going through. He loves me and is aware of my suffering, joy and excitement. However, just as a daughter goes to her earthly mother for womanly advice (not because she loves her father any less or feels he cannot understand) it would be delicious to feel encircled by a divine feminine love as I push through this difficult and emotional journey.
I heard an idea that made such beautiful sense to me. We feel our Heavenly Mother’s love as we appreciate and sing spiritual music. I feel the spirit very deeply, but very differently when I allow myself to be uplifted by music. It feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket and kissed on the inside by someone so soft and understanding. I often find myself in tears over the balance of taking care of my body and taking care of my child. More than once I have heard the whisperings of the spirit tell me to sing hymns to myself and to my sweet baby. I have felt comforted when I have followed through with these promptings. Could I be feeling the love of my Heavenly Mother?
Just as we get to know Son as we get to know the Father, I feel that our Heavenly Father and Mother are also linked in purpose and spirit. As I pray to my Father, I feel like my Heavenly Mother is listening and guiding too. As I further my relationship with Him, surely I must be drawing closer to Her as well. I believe She wants me to feel of her love. And as I am willing to work to have a relationship with Her she will encompass me with motherly love and acceptance.
1 week ago
What a beautiful thought, honey. I wish your earthly mother was there to encircle you in her arms right now. Maybe the way we learn to love and know our Heavenly Mother is through our relationships with our earthly mothers (and our children) and that as we come to understand 'mother love" more perfectly, we can identify with and and know our heavenly mother as we understand ourselves and our all too fallible moms.
Much love daughter dear,
Your All Too Fallible Mom
That's beautiful, Beth. You are wonderful.
That was just awesome and what I needed to hear today! I just love ya girl and am so glad you wrote that. I even printed off that second to last paragraph and am putting it in my journal!
Over the years I have reflected on my Mother in Heaven often. I am convinced that she knows and loves me. I feel tender feelings towards her. I loved hearing your faith as you go through the same sweet process. I love being a woman and am grateful for the love of my Mother in Heaven. Of course I feel the same tender love for my daughters and daughter-in-law.
Bethany I'm going back and reading your old posts (nothing is more theraputic- I am laughing and crying out loud and could do this for hours) and I came across this one. How could I have received more inspired and comforting thoughts than this? I'm sure I was guided straight to this post to give me comfort today. Thank you for being so wonderful, insightful, spiritually in tune, honest, and for writing it all down.
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