Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Letter to My Body

Dear Body of Mine,

This has been a rough year for the two of us. I openly admit that I have done some pretty terrible things. I’ve looked in the mirror and called you rude names, like Creature-Monster, Beached Whale, and Christmas Tree Orb. I have given you medications that made you feel like junk. I have worn uncomfortable, albeit fashionable, shoes just to spite you.

But you haven’t been a peach to me either. Remember how you wouldn’t sleep—not a wink—for about six days straight? Then there were the panic attacks and Emergency Room visits. Yeah, those were fun. If that weren’t cruel enough, you sometimes used your “functions” to shame me. The excessive barfing, the peeing without warning, or the… ehem… noises….

And not to point fingers or anything, but you grew very big this year. Too big, too quickly. For the last few months I have worried that an Oompa Loompa might appear out of nowhere, tip you sideways and roll you to the juicing room.

So, dear body, after all you put me through this year, all the times you made me cry, all the times you declared war on my digestive tract …

I have one thing to say to you…

You did good.


P.S. Thanks for not getting stretch marks.


Janssen said...

Congratulations!!! Oh, he is beautiful.

sarah / book bound bindery said...

what a cute bundle of fresh baby! congratulations, biff

Sierra Penrod said...

Totally good job.

Maria said...

He is a doll, Bethany! Congratulations Ryan, Doug and Kiana, too! He is absolutely beautiful. And, you shouldn't piss of previously pregnant women with the stretchmark comment! :) Just sayin'.

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

He's gorgeous, such a cutie! Congrats!

Diana said...

Good job to YOU!He is precious =)

Enrique and Lindsay said...

Congrats! He's gorgeous! Your body did a great job! However, I second Maria's stretch mark comment. Not all of us are so lucky in that department...

cr said...

Congratulations Bethany! You're so funny.

Dianna said...

Well done! Oh, he is adorable. I hope your body and you can become friends again. Congratulations from the Kearneys!

Kristy said...

Oh how I love him. And you. Except I'm mad about the stretch marks. I guess all the other stuff makes up for it. Way to go, sister.

Breanna said...

He looks perfect. I'm so jealous you don't get stretch marks! What ever became of your book? Would you ever consider sending me a copy for my birthday? That first chapter you posted was fantastic!

Dana said...

I am in LOVE!!!! You did SO good! I can't wait to talk to you and get details! Love you BeeHooNa! Congrats!

Chelle said...

Congrats Bethany!! He looks beautiful!

Christina said...

He's so cute, congratulations! I'm so glad you made it through this last year. I know we were all praying for you. Love you tons!


Melissa and Matt said...

Congrats! He is beautiful! I love your post and I love his name!

Unknown said...

That is the sweetest of all sweet blogs. So proud of you Bethany!

Jody said...

I absolutely love this post. You are a great writer and fabulous baby maker:).